We were asked to provide an Options Study for the Lamplight Theatre in Stanley, Co. Durham and assess the viability of Stanley Town Council taking over the running of the centre from Durham County Council as part of a community asset transfer. The brief included carrying out market research and consultation with the local community, to consider what services and facilities were required and how these might be delivered.

The assessment of a range of options for enhancing the utilisation and financial sustainability of the Lamplight Theatre were also required. This included reconfiguration of the building for community activities and services, with the incorporation of new offices for Stanley Town Council. 


d3associates brought together a strong multidisciplinary team to undertake the works. Initial market research was carried out to understand the local community’s perceptions and future needs. An audit of similar venues and the level of services on offer was also completed to identify potential gaps in the market.

A building condition survey, including mechanical and electrical services was undertaken to assess the condition of the building and provide a baseline for future works.

Viable options were considered for the reconfiguration, improvement, repair, and renovation of the theatre building. Indicative budget costs were provided for the preferred options and a financial assessment (NPV) was undertaken based on predicted expenditure and income. Three options were considered to provide initial financial projections.

A detailed report outlining the current position, preferred options and financial implications was produced for Stanley Town Council, to assist in determining the viability of taking over the running of the Arts Centre.

Following the submission of the Report, Stanley Town Council decided to take over the management of the Lamplight Theatre, renaming it the Civic Hall. The Council are assessing their options to renovate the building in order to fulfil the needs of the community.
